DESTINATIONS INTERNATIONAL’S POSITION AND GOALS Destinations International is committed to the development and retention of people in our industry. We recognize that developing the workforce requires a long-term commitment and vision to understand challenges, assess gaps, develop partnerships and to act within areas that we can influence. Our vision for the future is aspirational. While it may take time to implement, we have created a thoughtful foundation that proactively influences the future of our industry and the realistic investment it will take to develop our workforce and retain diverse talent. We encourage alignment, collaboration and discussion on how we can move the industry forward together.
Our 10 Year Vision
1 Engage Youth and Develop a Pipeline of Talent
Inspire future generations of all abilities and backgrounds to be a part of the travel industry. This includes creating awareness, addressing how the travel industry is a viable career path prior to entering high school, in high school and beyond., and presenting opportunities for youth engagement. 2 Retain Current Professionals in the Industry Cultivate talent at the entry level and managerial levels by engaging their thought leadership, providing mentorship opportunities and developing succession planning strategies that are pathways to leadership at the Director to C-Suite levels. 3 Highlight Stories That Represent Leadership New and existing talent need to see and hear from a variety of leaders who are in leadership positions. These stories are critical for the current and future generations to recognize themselves as leaders in the industry. 4 Partner and Align with Industry Organizations We aim to establish shared language with organizations invested in workforce development, foster collaboration to support the awareness of career paths and develop creative avenues to support emerging leaders. 5 Create a Workforce Celebration Day This day is an annual celebration of the people who are at the center of this industry. We want to craft stories that celebrate the importance of the industry, and to inspire and connect a new generation of future leaders.
Addressing the Importance of Workforce Development and Retention in the Travel Industry
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