4 Engage with educators in universities to understand how to reframe the narrative about the travel industry.
• Hold bi-annual meetings with educators in universities to discuss the current state of education and student application within tourism/hospitality management programs. • Identify five reasons why application rates are lower and discuss ideas on how to change this narrative. • Identify at least five processes or mechanisms that are working well; ask how we can to support them. • Speak with at least 20 students enrolled in current tourism / hospitality programs to get their perspectives on the industry. 5 Engage with post-secondary educational institutions that have hospitality programs to gather insights on barriers and opportunities. • Use these meetings with at least 10 educators across a minimum of 5 universities to discuss the current state of education and student application. • Us these meetings with same educators to create awareness of DMO roles and impact. • Identify and leverage university research to inform understanding. • Identify five reasons why application rates are lower and discuss ideas on how to change this narrative. • Identify at least five processes or mechanisms that are working well; ask how we can to support. • Through input from educators and others, speak with at least 20 students enrolled in current hospitality programs to get their perspectives on the industry. 6 Engage with K – 12 programs to discuss the hospitality industry as a career path, prioritizing efforts on middle/junior high school and high school. • Connect with 10 members who have engaged with K-12 programs to get feedback on lessons learned. • Hold conversations with at least 10 administrators with Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) programs in middle schools and high schools representing urban, rural and various regions to identify gaps in educational content aligned with career pathing. • Identify five opportunities to provide students with awareness about the travel industry as a career path. • Through conversations with administrators, seek input from middle school students and their parents to inform the development of career fairs/days at the high school level.
Addressing the Importance of Workforce Development and Retention in the Travel Industry
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