7 Offer thought leadership about the travel industry to educational institutions (K-12 and post-secondary). • Develop PowerPoint templates for industry members to use when speaking to different educational levels. Engage with members to understand utilization, impact and foster dialogue.
» Elementary Schools » Junior High Schools » Middle/Junior High Schools » Post secondary schools (dependent upon the type of class)
• Speak in five middle school and high school classrooms in rural and urban areas across various regions with CTAE programs about the mission of Destinations International (DI) and how it supports its destination members. • Create bi-annual DI informational sessions for students to learn about the different aspects of the industry. 8 Offer internship and apprenticeship opportunities for students to experience the travel industry. • Identify ten examples of successful internship programs in the travel industry and outside the travel industry. Establish guidelines on creating effective internship opportunities for the DI membership. • Create greater visibility into current internship opportunities. • Identify how to align five people with the apprenticeship programs that currently exist. Provide clear guidance to DI members on how to find and support an apprentice within the destination vertical. • Explore opportunities with federal agencies to create awareness for grant programs related to workforce development.
Addressing the Importance of Workforce Development and Retention in the Travel Industry
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