Workforce Development & Retention in the Travel Industry

Retain Current Professionals in the Industry

1 Identify succession planning strategies and best practices for leadership track career paths (Director – C-Suite). • Build on DI’s current mentorship platform to engage mentors and mentees in the program. Recruit at least 10 mentors and 10 mentees with different backgrounds and abilities. • Engage at least 10 DI members to discuss successful succession planning strategies. • Identify existing industry, statewide and other relevant research that provides data on succession planning. • Identify areas where data is needed and available from partners to support succession planning strategies. • Develop a “shadow” board. 2 Encourage member destinations to invest in their staff by engaging with the DI community. • Lead an awareness campaign to demonstrate how DI membership is for all professional levels. » Connect with HR professionals to help incorporate the value of DI membership in onboarding, retention strategies and all-team meetings. » Engage board members and committees with this awareness campaign and request clear actions for support. » Engage DI team to encourage member engagement within their respective roles. • Examine and implement changes to DI research, surveys and tools to increase engagement, impact and alignment with DI’s research vision. » Position Social Inclusion surveys, studies and tools to support understanding of workforce

development, employee retention and professional growth opportunities. » Position Social Inclusion surveys, studies and tools to support the professional development of members across all levels of employment.

3 Connect with entry- and mid-level professionals to understand their perspectives on succession planning and retention in the industry. • Encourage entry- and mid-level professionals meet in a shared safe space. Connect with at least 20 entry- and mid-level professionals to understand their perspectives on retention and succession planning. • Create a task force to encourage community and to discuss retention related goals for the industry.

Addressing the Importance of Workforce Development and Retention in the Travel Industry


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