Workforce Development & Retention in the Travel Industry

Highlight Stories That Represent Diverse Leadership

1 Develop content that is appealing and resonates with the generations we aim to attract. • Identify effective methods to deliver and digest content for targeted generations. » Create a communications strategy that delivers content. » Measure the engagement of the related strategy and add content 2 Create a series of video interviews and stories about leadership pathways. • Develop at least 10 videos that can be repurposed to highlight: » The individual’s professional journey. » Challenges they have encountered along the way and how they overcame them. » Why industry is welcoming. » Advice on advancing in leadership (variety of verticals, geography, budget size). » A nugget of inspiration.

Addressing the Importance of Workforce Development and Retention in the Travel Industry


The 2024 DI Foundation HBCU scholarship recipients pose with DI staff.

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