Destinations International Industry Brief


Exploring Purpose, Mission and the Power of Destination Promotion

The 21 st Century Destination Organization

The purpose of this industry brief is to define a destination organization. A common definition allows for standardization across different regions, cultures or sectors. This is essential in a global industry such as travel and tourism, where a standardized definition helps to coordinate efforts and policies across borders, languages and time zones. For clarification, when we speak of destination organizations, we refer to Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), destination management organizations, convention and visitors bureaus (CVBs), tourism boards, sports commissions and offices that attract film and media productions to a destination. To arrive at this definition, we will discuss the purpose of a destination organization, the mission that fulfills that purpose, the overarching goals that guide that mission, the core values that underpin its success and what a successful community outcome or result looks like. After exploring these five areas, we will have a clear definition of a 21 st century destination organization.

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