Accessibility Playbook

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Welcome to the Accessibility Playbook developed by TravelAbility and Destinations International in partnership with [your destination]. According to the World Health Organization, 1.85 billion individuals, or one out of six people, live with some type of disability. This translates to 66 million Americans, over 10.5 million Canadians, and more than 120 million residents across the European Union. We have an incredible opportunity to welcome new visitors to [our destination]. Ensuring destinations are inclusive for travelers with disabilities goes beyond numbers and economic impact. [Our destination] believes that all visitors should explore our city with confidence knowing they will be welcomed by a community that prioritizes compassion, kindness, awareness, and understanding. We are proud to welcome travelers with disabilities, through initiatives such as [insert here]. This work brings us one step closer towards a reality where everyone, regardless of ability, feels valued and can fully experience the joys of travel. We now call upon you to help further these endeavors and elevate the visitor experience through your own education. Please utilize the wealth of information and expertise in this playbook to better understand and support travelers with disabilities. These pages are a guide to help get you started, providing recommendations, resources, and use cases. We look forward to your feedback, insights, and collaboration as we continue on this journey together.

[Name] [Title] [Destination Organization]


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